
Consultancy and copy

I offer editorial consultancy, content creation, project management and copywriting services to clients in the media and marketing, tech, corporate, consumer and third sectors. 

My work includes, but is not limited to, overseeing and managing special projects and large-scale reports, in-house content, blogs, newsletters, white papers, thought leadership, interviews, features, social media strategy and management, ghostwriting, award entries, case studies and brand storytelling, all delivered to the quality and standard you would expect from a versatile, senior-level editor and author.

My clients include global household-name brands, groundbreaking nonprofit organisations and worldwide media, advertising and PR networks.

I enjoy a diverse range of clients and challenges and am always excited to explore ways we can work together. Please get in touch for more information.

I particularly encourage smaller businesses, social enterprises and nonprofits to get in touch as I offer discounted rates where applicable, allowing them to benefit from superior quality content, strategy and copywriting to help build their offering.